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Kaplan International College London student services

The student services team at Kaplan International College (KIC) London is dedicated to making your experience studying in the UK safe, fun and rewarding, and your progression to university as smooth as possible.

London Student Anas

Anas from Saudi Arabia

Student at Kaplan International College London

The College staff are really motivating, and I can always get extra help from my personal tutor if I need it. My English skills and self-confidence have improved so much.

Sara Bailey

Sara Bailey

Manager of Student Services

The most rewarding thing about my role is witnessing the students’ journey and their academic and social development. It’s wonderful to see their happiness when they realise what they’ve achieved, and can then progress to a degree.

Pre-arrival support

Before you arrive, you’ll be given all the information and support you need to apply for a visa and make your journey to the UK. Our friendly staff will send you a pre-arrival guide for convenient reference, and will be ready to answer any questions you might have.

At the airport

Arriving in a new country for the first time can seem stressful, but our student services team will be there to make sure you feel comfortable. They can be at the airport, ready to welcome you to the UK, and can help you get to your new home.

Once you have accepted your offer to study with us, you can book your airport transfers by filling in the form in the pre-arrival area.

Welcome Week

In your first week, before your classes start, you’ll meet tutors, College staff and other international students. We’ll show you around the College and its many facilities, as well as the university resources that you will have access to. If you need help setting up a bank account or finding a doctor, the student services team will be ready to assist.

Social activities

You’ll be living in the heart of London, one of the most vibrant and exciting cities in the world, and the College will organise trips, events and activities to help you make the most of it. Visit world-famous museums and galleries, go to see musicals, experience football matches, and explore the surrounding area on trips to Bath, Cambridge and Brighton.


We offer high-quality residences as part of the KIC London experience. These have private bathrooms and all modern conveniences, with great attention given to safety and security. Find out more about our excellent residences on the accommodation page.

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