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Pathways at The University of Tulsa: program options

Pathways at the University of Tulsa offers immediate enrollment and preparation for all undergraduate degrees. Preparation programs are taught on campus, and will help you to improve your English language and academic skills.

You can earn a bachelor’s degree from The University of Tulsa in any of the following disciplines:

Direct entry

For immediate enrollment in a bachelor’s degree. English requirements for direct entry:

  • TOEFL 70 (minimum of 15 in reading and listening, 18 in speaking, 17 in writing)
  • IELTS 6.0 (no less than 6.0 in reading, listening and speaking, 5.5 in writing)

Pathway to Academics Program

For progression to Year 1 of a bachelor’s degree, starting at an advanced English language proficiency. English requirements for this 1-semester program:

  • TOEFL 61 (minimum of 12 in reading, listening and speaking, 16 in writing)
  • IELTS 5.0 in all skills

Intensive English Program

For progression to Year 1 of a bachelor’s degree, starting at any lower level of English language proficiency. Complete 1 to 5 sessions of 8 weeks each.

You must receive conditional admission to a University of Tulsa degree in order to be eligible for either Pathway to Academics or the Intensive English Program.