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You can expect to receive an excellent level of support when you study your pathway course online.

Just as you can continue speaking to your teachers, you can speak to your College Services team virtually while you study remotely. They are available to help you with any questions you have, and you’ll be assigned a Learning Adviser who will help you stay on track with your studies.

Kaplan College Services team

Course registration and induction !!!!

As your course start date approaches, your college will send you a registration form to complete. The process is simple – just complete and send the form online. We’ll then take care of the rest.

Once you are registered, we will set up a video call with you to go through all the information you’ll need before your pathway course begins. This includes:

  • Taking you through the set-up process for the online learning platforms you’ll be using.
  • Important dates and other information you’ll need, so you can start planning your study time.
  • A welcome talk from your College Director, who may also give you a virtual tour of your university and city.

You’ll have lots of opportunities to meet other students socially through a range of online activities including quizzes, clubs and games. You can stay up to date with what’s happening by following us on social media.

These virtual social activities can really help you to improve your English (while having fun!). Normally, if you were studying in the UK, you’d have the chance to immerse yourself in the culture, and be able to practise your English outside the classroom every day.

However, when you’re not studying in-college, it can be hard to find those opportunities. That’s why it’s a good idea to join in and speak as much English as you can in a relaxed and fun environment.

It’s also a great way to connect and make friends with students from all around the world!

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