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Pathways at Pace University: program options

Pace University offers direct entry and pathways to several undergraduate and graduate degrees. Taught on our New York City campus, pathway programs will help you to improve your English language and academic skills. You can also earn credits that you will transfer to your degree.

Undergraduate Global Pathways program

For progression to the 1st year of a bachelor’s degree.* Choose a subject to see program and progression degree information:

Entry directly to a bachelor’s degree

For immediate enrollment in a bachelor’s degree.* Choose a subject to see degree information:

*International students who have already completed some university credits may be eligible to enter Year 2 or 3 of a bachelor’s degree at Pace University. Contact us to learn more about the transfer admission process.

Graduate Global Pathways program

For progression to a master’s degree. Choose a subject to see graduate program and progression degree information:

Entry directly to a master’s degree

For immediate enrollment in a master’s degree. Choose a subject to see degree information: