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10 years of Liverpool International College

This year, Liverpool International College (LIC) celebrates 10 years of preparing students from around the world for university, and their adult lives. It’s been a hugely rewarding decade for the College and its staff, and we couldn’t be more proud of everything that’s been accomplished.

What do Liverpool’s students say?

Liverpool International College has been guiding students from around the world for 10 years now, preparing them for life at university. Over the years, we’ve heard many success stories from our alumni. We caught up with some of LIC’s current and past students to hear their thoughts on the time they spent at the College.


Renan from Brazil

Studied at the College before progressing to university; he graduated with a Master's in Big Data and High Performance Computing and now works as a Software Designer.

I graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2016, and I’m currently a software designer at ValueChain, a start-up company. Studying abroad was a really great experience for me. I found everyone to be really welcoming, and I had a wonderful time at both Liverpool International College and the University of Liverpool. Studying here is a great way to get to know people and cultures from all over the world, while learning a lot at the same time. Liverpool itself is brilliant. The city is vibrant and full of life, and there is a lot of history to see and experience. I would definitely recommend coming to study here!

Barrak from Kuwait

Studied at the College before progressing to a Bachelor's degree in Medicine and Surgery; he is now a Junior Doctor in Kuwait.

I had never studied outside Kuwait, so the College was the first educational institution I had attended abroad. I was anxious and worried at the beginning; I thought it would be difficult to be away from my family. However, the environment in Liverpool was so vibrant and interactive; I got the chance to meet people from so many different backgrounds and cultures. After passing my Foundation Certificate, I was well prepared to take on the challenges of my degree. The experience I gained from the University of Liverpool now helps me to lead a team of hardworking nurses as a doctor, and be a key team player among other experienced doctors and consultants.

Meet the College Director

Liverpool International College Director

Leelee Yates

Director of Liverpool International College since Summer 2015

It's incredible to think we've been helping international students change their lives for 10 years. I find it so rewarding to see them succeed - not just at Liverpool International College, but in their University of Liverpool degrees and onward careers too. With a brand new college and residence building opening in 2019, now is a truly exciting time to consider studying here. We hope to see you soon!

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